jeudi 16 février 2023


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                         Mr lo cònsol màger Joseph Fontaine e la joventut de l'epòca a PUIMISSON


                                                          L'ANCIANA COMUNA

                                                                     L'ANCIANA COMUNA

L'ANCIANA GLÈISA DEL 12 iem DESTRUCHA E Remplaçat per una remesa per la materiala municipal
THE FORMER CHURCH OF THE 12 th century DESTROYED AND replaced by a shed for municipal equipment

la dominacion francesa amb sas tres bandièras a fach que lo castèl es classat als patrimòni francés s'a mai son mot a dire, mas per la color de las faciadas los blancs e maudit pasmens un còp èra a mitat del vilatge lo castèl comprés èra pintrat en blanc

Résultats de traduction

Résultat de traduction

the French domination with its three flags made that the castle is classified with the French heritage one does not have any more a say, but for the color of the facades the white and cursed however formerly half of the village the castle included/understood was painted in white
dempuèi qu'es pas mai gerit per de cònsols occitan nos balham lo drech de defendre segon la loie francesa de defendre la color de vòstra Faciada de vòstre ostal ,mas nos autorizam lo drech de crèa de novèla fenèstra dins un castèl classat venguda comuna 
per un òrdre d'escomesas l'autorizacion per las fenèstra acordat ???
mas per las fenèstras del naut pas d'argent per los salvar
since it is no longer managed by Occitan consuls, we give ourselves the right to prohibit according to French law to prohibit the color of your facade of your house, but we allow ourselves the right to create new windows in a listed castle that has become the town hall by a betting order the authorization for the windows granted ??? but for the top windows no money to save them
los arquitèctes de França an decidits de remplaçar las fenèstra e los contravents per de botissas per un castèl classat al monument de la plan granda FRANÇA
the architects of France have decided to replace the windows and the shutters with concrete blocks for a castle classified as a monument of very great FRANCE

Résultats de traduction

Résultat de traducti

Résultats de traduction

Résultat de traductionthe French domination with its three flags made that the castle is classified with the French heritage one does not have any more a say, but for the color of the facades the white and cursed however formerly half of the village the castle included/understood was painted in white




Joan de Nadau – Hain pozik naiz Jainko maitea (Nadau - Cadena Oficiau) -...

ME JONHI A AQUELA PERSONA QU'A ESCRICH SE MESSATGE AL GROP Es una carta de fidelitat que vos deuriái demandar …..(…..per aver de reduccions !!…..), mas seriá ja plena ! Segurament un vintenat de còp, ai degut assistir a vòstres espectacles, un pauc pertot dins lo Sud-oèst. E ièr, a la sortida del darrièr, me soi pausada aquela question, qu'es-çò que fach que i torni encara e encara ?? Deuriái en aver ras lo bòl, coneissi los tèxtes a la virgula près, e las cançons sul cap dels dets ! Non, soi pas amorosa ni de Joan, ni dels guitarristas, ni dels autres…. Me definissi pas tanpauc, coma una « fan », o una « groupie »……alara ? ….Alara, ai cercat …. Es fòrça mai prigond que tot aquò….. Es aquel pichon fil invisible qu'extirpatz a cada còp, del fons de nosautres, en doçor mas amb tenacitat. Aquel fil pichon que nos rampèla d'ont venèm, ont anam…..dins aquel mond tan tormentat… Desvelhatz en nosautres aquela partida de l'inconscient qu'es facha de nòstras raices, de nòstra enfança, que nos a menat fins uèi…. Amb de mots simples, dels mots justes, dels tèxtes emplenats de poesia, amb d'umor, cèrtas òc, tant d'umor, trobatz de pichonas frasas per nos enviar de grands messatges. L'autre ser, coma los autres sers, lo public esperava que lo film de la vida comença, en desvelhant nòstres sovenirs. E la magia a operat. Dins lo negre, a rasís de nosautres, espectators tanben, coma de candèlas invisiblas que s'auriá alucadas, un paire, una maire desapareguda, nòstres parents grands, un vesin, un amic…un a un, sus la poncha dels pès, sens far de bruch, son totes venguts, los de l'Ostal, èran aquí …demest nosautres, lo temps del concèrt. ….E quitament qu'après cada cançon, se los ausissiá rire, perque èran uroses, uroses d'ausir cantar la lenga de la tèrra, lor lenga, lor istòria, urós de nos veire emocionats a las lagremas, al fil de las cançons… Mercé de los far reviure, mercé de tornar lor dignitat a aquelas gents pichonas, tan sovent escarnidas, de còps mespresadas... Mercé per totas aquelas seradas al rencontre de nosautres quitament ont se torna partir lo còr plen de bonaür. (PS : ….Cresi ….qué vau far una demanda per una 2ème carta de fidelitat pertocant la decennia a venir !......) DIMÈCRES 29 MAI 2013
I JOIN THIS PERSON WHO WRITTEN HIS MESSAGE TO THE GROUP It's a loyalty card that I should ask you for …..(… get discounts!!…..), but it would already be full! Surely twenty times, I must have attended your shows, all over the Southwest. And yesterday, when the last one came out, I asked myself this question, what makes me go back there again and again?? I should be fed up, I know the lyrics down to the comma, and the songs like the back of my hand! No, I'm not in love with Joan, or the guitarists, or the others…. I don't define myself as a “fan” or a “groupie” either……so? ….So, I searched…. It's much deeper than all that... It's this little invisible thread that you pull out each time, from deep inside us, gently but tenaciously. This little thread that reminds us of where we come from, where we are going… this tormented world… You awaken in us this part of the unconscious which is made up of our roots, of our childhood, which has brought us to 'until today…. With simple words, right words, texts filled with poetry, with humor, yes, so much humor, you find small sentences to send us great messages. The other evening, like the other evenings, the public waited for the film of life to begin, awakening our memories. And the magic worked. In the dark, very close to us, spectators too, like invisible candles that we would have lit, a father, a missing mother, our grandparents, a neighbour, a by one, on tiptoe, without make noise, they all came, those from the Ostal, they were there…among us, during the concert. ….And even after each song, we heard them laugh, because they were happy, happy to hear the language of the land sung, their language, their history, happy to see us moved to tears, over the songs… Thank you for bringing them back to life, thank you for restoring their dignity to these little people, so often flouted, sometimes despised... Thank you for all these evenings to meet ourselves where we leave with our hearts full of happiness. (PS: ….I believe ….that I will apply for a 2nd loyalty card for the coming decade!.....) WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 2013

Patric - Triste es lo cèl [occitan-catalan ]

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